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Linuo Ritter participating in the 13th China (Jinan) Solar Utilization Conference & Exhibition



The 13th China (Jinan) Solar Utilization Conference & Exhibition (SUCE) was held at Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center from April 2 to April 4. Linuo Ritter presented its state-of-the-art water & space heaters, and other thermal products, among which industrial CPC collectors, air-source heat pumps, balcony solar collectors and roof solar collectors became highlights at the event. Especially the heating system with air-source heat pumps developed by Linuo Ritter has shown good eco-efficiency in numerous projects of the National “Coal to Electricity” Program.

During the event, Linuo Ritter also shared its know-hows on the construction of cloud platform on several keynote forums, promoting its technology on industrial solar application.